Friday, 20 September 2019


On Friday the 20th of September room 25 and I went to go do music with Mr Lakatani.
We had  station one, two, three, four and five. Station one was Ukulele station two was Guitars station
Three was Marimba station four was African drums and station five was Drums. I was in Guitar Marimba African drums then Drums. it was all difficult to do all of them and we Learned some
Image result for quaversnew Quavers and had fun.
Image result for Mr lakatani Image result for drums     
The End


  1. Kia Ora my name is Deborah i am in room 24. I really liked your blog post about your music session with Mr Lakatani. I remember when I did music lessons with Mr Lakatani it was so fun I really enjoyed African drums what did you enjoy the most

  2. Blog ya later

  3. Kia Ora my name is Persaies from room 7. I really liked your blog post about your music session with Mr Lakatani. Here is a question for you What was your Favorite instrument in your music session?. Blog you later can you please check out my blog blog and also do not forget to say hi in the play ground bye.

  4. Kia ora My name is Joyce I really like your blog post it has so much information and details. But Maybe you could ad in a video about him. Be sure to cheak my blog out here is the link BLOG YOU LATER!!


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